Vivado download bin
Vivado download bin

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Now, install Vivado into default directory cd tar -xvf sudo. Lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 4 Feb 8 17:35 /bin/sh -> bash Select 'No' to use 'dash' as default system shell.Īnd verify we are using 'bash' ls -al /bin/sh So, to switch shell sudo dpkg-reconfigure dash Because of the silent error during Vivado installation it must be istalled after we switch Ubuntu's default shell(Dash) to Bash.

vivado download bin

For Petalinix 13.10 I will use SystemEdition + SDK. In my case ZedBoard booted from microSD card with examples from 'ZedBoard CTT' tutorial.ĥ. Lets reset ZedBoard and verify we can see its output.


Now, go to 'Configuration/Port', select ZedBoard serial port '/dev/ttyACM0', set'Baud Rate' to 115200 and save configuration for later use. Note: you may reboot to apply changes sudo addgroup d9 dialoutĭ9 adm dialout cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin gtkterm So, lets add us into dialout, apply changes, check and run gtkterm. So, /dev/ttyS0 as well as all other serial port devices (including /dev/ttyACM0 which is ZedBoard USB-to-Serial port) belongs to 'root' and 'dialout' groups and our user are not in any of them. Lets figure out ls -l /dev/ttyS0Ĭrw-rw- 1 root dialout 4, 64 Feb 4 19:12 groupsĭ9 adm cdrom sudo dip plugdev lpadmin sambashare Open console (search for 'term'), in a sudo apt-get install gtktermĪnd we got first error message: Cannot open /dev/ttyS0: Permission denied. So, lets install and try to communicate with ZedBoard. We will need a serial communication program - I prefer gtkterm. This is what I got in my home ~/Download ls -l Xilinx will email a Xilinx.lic file to you - put it in your home/downloads directory for now. At Xilinx tools license site:, create a new license file and include both 'PetaLinux Tool Licence' and 'Vivado WebPack License'. Digilent Adept 2.1.1 Utilities, X64 Linuxģ. Digilent Adept 2.15.3 Runtime, X64 Linux PetaLinux 2013.10 BSP for Avnet/Digilent ZedBoard.

vivado download bin

PetaLinux 2013.10 Installation archive for Zynq. Vivado 13.4 All OS'es SDK Full installer. Go to and and download next files to your 'home/Downloads' directory: Install fresh Ubuntu 13.10 (64 bit edition) in VMWare Workstation10 virtual machine with atleast 80G disk space and 4G of RAM.Ģ. I will follow Xilinx UG976, UG977 and UG978 user guides v2013.10 revision.ġ.

Vivado download bin